What is CloudLinux?
Cloud Linux is a operating system addition which can be installed on top of CentOS or RHEL and allows administrators to get the most out of their existing cPanel hosting environment.
Some of the benefits of using Cloud Linux are:
LVE ManagerThis allows administrators to limit server resource usage for each cPanel account. The LVE manager prevents one cPanel account using up all the available resources, which can commonly occur on servers with multiple hosting accounts.
CageFS CageFS creates a virtualised user environment which prevents users from seeing other users on the same server. This increases server security and specifically stops privilege escalation attacks.
PHP SelectorThe PHP Selector is a great tool which can be used to change PHP settings and limits easily within a cPanel account. This is beneficial if you run numerous CMS style websites on the same server, which each require different PHP modules and limits to run. By default you can select between PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.6, and more recent PHP versions are automatically added when provisioned through WHM.

If you would like any further information, or if you require any support with CloudLinux please
contact our support team.
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